Sunday, March 8, 2015

Not just a Hollywood Trend

International Women's Day

As a young woman I believe that it is only appropriate that today I wrote about a pressing issue in today's world, gender inequality.  Recently many celebrities have come forth supporting or launching campaigns to encourage equality.  But what we need to keep in mind is that this isn't some trendy new weight loss plan, this is a political issue dealing with humanity.
Lets break out the facts;
  • On average in 2010, women made 77 cents to every dollar a man earned for the same work
  • Women's wages in the workplace are as low as 61% of men's
  • 774 million of the worlds illiterates are women
  • Only 22% of all national representatives in the world are female as of January 2015
These are just a few examples of this modern day battle.  And gender equality is not just a campaign for women's rights but for men's also.  Stereotyping against gender is just one of the topics covered in UN Women Goodwilll Ambassador Emma Watson's speech launching the #HeforShe campaign.(Watch Emmas speech here:  Men are stereotyped just as much as women, men are often ridiculed for expressing their true feelings.  Called "soft" or lacking in masculinity just for having feelings.  To add to my point on stereotyping women shouldn't be ashamed of being feminists.  The majority of women even in today's world will not openly say "I'm a woman and I am a proud feminist", this is because society looks at feminism as "man hating" or "unattractive".  Let's take today to think about what we can do in our own lives to put the word out there.  Take today to educate yourself on campaigns such as #NotThere or #HeforShe, to learn how you can help in the journey to gender equality.
Educate yourself Today!

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